
Monday, April 30, 2012

Fishing off the Pier

Here's the gang of fishermen.  Shhh...don't tell the boys I called them men.  This trip was taken sometime last year.  No, I don't remember when but it must have been warm weather because we are wearing shorts.
We did catch a few things but mostly we just feed the crabs.  Regardless, it was fun and it was time spent together as a family.  

Matthew never passes an opportunity to get in the picture!

Bunny Ears!

The goofy one in the back just turned 18!
#4 bridge in Cedar Key.

Some day I hope to look back on all these pictures and giggle about the silly things that we did.  Yesterday we were all sitting with my mom on her front porch and the general conversation was light and silly.  I had a deja vu moment...It sounded just like a conversation that I remember years ago but I was the kid and my dad was me and my grandfather was my mom.  Does that make sense?  Anyway it was kinda neat how I remember a similar conversation.  It brought a smile to my face!

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